About the Author


George Manus was born in England 14th May 1939. His mother was Ida Nikoline Lindebrække from Norway and his English father George Bernardes. The parents divorced and George grew up after the Second World War as the stepson of war hero Max Manus in Norway. He got the name Manus but was never adopted. All his professional life he was engaged in the Max Manus Companies and leader of same for 40 years. Throughout his adult life he has been thinking about A LOT and has made many notes along the way, as a study for the books he knew he would write when retired. George Manus has fulfilled his dreams and as of today has written 20 books. In his authorship one can sense the cosmopolite, which isn’t random. He has lived abroad and the last twenty years in the South of Spain.

For those who may be interested in getting a deeper understanding of his background and who he is, have a look at Ego presentation given at Furuset Rotary Club in Oslo in 1987″, see it here: NO FUTURE WITHOUT THE PAST.

Click here for ‘Notes from the Author’

217 Reflections

– reflections on big and small

Throughout his life, George Manus has reflected on big and small, which has already resulted in 20 books. He claims that while things are happening, we only get to think in the present. It is only afterwards that we have time and opportunity to think analogise and consider.

The importance the author attaches to the idea of reflection is in other words afterthoughts.

In this, his twentieth book, George Manus has picked out thoughts from “Reflections” I – II and III, as well as “Thoughts”. Thoughts were written, one every day, on the first 51 days of 2001, while the Reflections spread as far back as 1989.

Hardcover, 636 pages

ISBN: 9788743044741

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

217 Refleksjoner

– refleksjoner over stort og smått

George Manus har gjennom hele livet reflektert over stort og smått, hvilket allerede har resultert i 20 bøker.

Han hevder at mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet. Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie.

Betydningen forfatteren tillegger ideen refleksjon er med andre ord ettertanke.

I denne, hans tyvnde bok har George Manus plukket frem tanker fra ‘Refleksjoner’ I – II og III, samt ‘Tanker’.

Hardcover, 634 sider

ISBN: 9788743044529

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Stories & Thoughts I

– Thoughts are duty-frees

After the author George Manus’s releases of his three books, REFLECTIONS I – II and III, the last one in late 2017, he thought it might stop there. In the meantime, after publishing a series of five books he calls WORDS FOR THE ROAD – short reflections and puns, he now comes with a new twist based on the same theme – STORIES & THOUGHTS, I.

They are essentially a continuation of his reflections from 1990 to the present. Some are self-perceived stories and events, whilst others are reflections on specific topics. The smaller format contains half of the previous reflections and is well suited as travel reading. He has dedicated the book to the thoughts, as nothing can be written without thoughts being involved.

Thoughts are duty-free, it is said, and the author emphasises that it’s a privilege we all have as human beings, that we can keep our thoughts to ourselves. No one will ever get to know what you are thinking about if you wish to keep it to yourself.

“The thoughts are to me like steam in a pressure cooker”, he continues, especially the thoughts he has long been thinking about. “They want out in one form or other and out they normally get.”

Pleasant reading
February 2020

ISBN (UK) : 8743014143

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

Historier og Tanker I

Boken er fortsettelsen av mine REFLEKSJONER I – II og III, men isteden for å gå videre til nummer IV, har den fått en ny tittel: “HISTORIER OG TANKER I”. Den er utgitt i et mindre bokformat med halvert innhold, mens stilen er den samme.
Jeg har dedikert den til tankene, ettersom intet kan skrives uten at det ligger tanker bak. Tittelen dekker derfor etter min mening innholdet.

“Tanken er tollfri”, heter det. Det er viktig å feste seg ved det. Det er et privilegium vi alle har som mennesker. Tankene har du for deg selv og ingen kommer noen gang til å få vite hva du tenker, hvis du ønsker å holde det for deg selv.

Tankene er for meg som damp i en trykkoker. Spesielt når det gjelder tanker som jeg lenge har gått og ruget på. Ut skal de i en eller annen form og ut kommer de som regel. Men, heldigvis, det gjelder kun de som jeg ikke ønsker å holde for meg selv.

ISBN (NO) : 9788743013792

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Food for Thought

In this book Author George Manus has collected 1001 WORDS FOR THE ROAD from his series of 10 books by the same name, which in both format and content are well suited as reading matter while travelling. Each of the 10 books are presenting short reflections and puns in both English and Norwegian.

He has named this book, FOOD for THOUGHT, with subtitle, 1001 short reflections. It contains only the English reflections. The table of contents which is in alphabetical order provides easy access to his 1001 reflections. Most of them have been written over the past few years, while some were put on paper already back in the late 1980s.

He is fully aware that quantity does not in any way mean quality, but as he says, who judges good from less good and bad? If adopted literary norms are applied, I suppose it is simple, but if one isn’t to judge based on given norms, I suppose it becomes a question of who likes what. If you accept that everyone is right based on their prerequisites, which is hard to deny, maybe you end up with something for everyone?

He says that all his short reflection are expressions of his spontaneous thoughts and opinions, based on his prerequisites when they were written.

Happy reading
January 2021

ISBN (NO) : 9788743031321

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.


Denne boken dedikerer jeg til: Ofrene for Covid 19 epidemien.
Mitt barnebarn Nicolas, som nettopp har fylt 22 år, ble testet positiv etter en vinterferie i St. Anton i mars i år, men var blant dem som ble gitt “all clear” etter et isolert karanteneopphold.

Det skulle hele 10 bøker til for å nå 1001 ord med på veien.
De fleste refleksjonene er datert og noen ble allerede skrevet i slutten av 1980 årene. Den overveiende største delen så imidlertid dagens lys de siste årene.

I denne boken har jeg samlet de 1001 norske og kalt den: TANKEVEKKERE – 1001 korte refleksjoner.

At volum ikke på noen måte er ensbetydende med kvalitet er jeg fullt på det rene med, men hvem dømmer godt fra mindre godt og dårlig? Benyttes vedtatte litterære normer antar jeg at det er enkelt, men hvis man ikke skal bedømme ut fra gitte normer blir det vel et spørsmål om hvem som liker hva.

Hvis man aksepterer at alle har rett ut fra sine forutsetninger, noe som vel er vanskelig å benekte, ender man kanskje opp med noe for enhver smak?
Gode eller dårlige, alle refleksjonene er uttrykk for mine spontane tanker og meninger, basert på mine forutsetninger, da de ble skrevet.

For den som måtte være interessert i å vite litt mer om bakgrunnen til personen som har satt disse 1001 korte refleksjonene på papiret, har jeg bakerst i boken gjengitt et ego-foredrag jeg holdt i Furuset Rotary klubb i 1987. Jeg kalte det: Ingen fremtid uten en fortid.

ISBN (NO) : 9788743029519

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Reflections I

– in words and pictures

A reflection is an afterthought.

While things are happening, we only think about the here and now.  It’s only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT.

In this book the author George Manus has reflected over this and that and also the somewhat unexpected.

No less than 61 reflections have been written, some of them dealing with difficult topics such as CHANGE and SENSITIVITY, while others deal with more down to earth topics like a TABLE and a PIPE. Yes, he has also reflected on a GOLFBALL
Some of the reflections are based on self-experienced stories and events, whereas in others, George focuses on abstract topics.

The book ‘REFLECTIONS I’ is complemented in an inspiring way by works by Danish architect and visual artist Jan Arnt from his series ‘Reflections in Colors’. Happy reading!

The revised 2nd edition is published 2017.

ISBN (UK) : 9788771884104

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

Refleksjoner I

En refleksjon er en ettertanke.

Mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet.
Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie, nemlig å REFLEKTERE.

I boken har forfatteren George Manus reflektert over stort og smått, og også det noe uventede.

Ikke mindre en 61 refleksjoner er det blitt til, hvor noen handler om vanskelige emner som FORANDRING og FØLSOMHET, mens andre handler om mer jordnære emner som et BORD og et RØR. Ja, også en GOLFBALL har han reflektert over.
Boken er en lett blanding av George Manus sine refleksjoner og hans egnen opplevde historier. I noen av refleksjonene fokuserer han også på mer abstrakte emner.

Boken REFLEKSJONER I suppleres på en inspirerende måte med verker av den danske arkitekten og billedkunstneren Jan Arnt fra hans serie Refleksjoner i Farver.

ISBN (NO) : 9788771884135

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Reflections II

– in words and proverbs

Reflections II has been given its name because as the author, George Manus himself says:  My reflections have developed into stories.

In the book the author, George Manus, reflects over this and that as well as the somewhat unexpected. 

No less than 66 reflections have seen the light of day, from those dealing with moral topics such as AMBITIONS and DEPENDENCE, to the enjoyable OSCAR’S CONFIRMATION SPEECH.

Some of the reflections are self-experienced, whereas in others George Manus focuses on general topics. 

The book contains, apart from the reflections, 41 of the authors own proverbs.

The short stories are presented alphabetically and can thus be read individually.

Happy reading.

The revised 2nd edition is published  2017

ISBN (UK) : 9788771884159

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

Refleksjoner II

Boken er en samling av refleksjoner og historier, satt på papiret fra 2010 til 14. De er i det vesentlige en fortsettelse av mine refleksjoner fra 1989 til 97. Noen er egen-opplevde historier og hendelser, mens andre er mine refleksjoner rundt spesifikke emner. De gjengis i alfabetisk rekkefølge, og har ingen sammenheng og kan derfor leses individuelt.

Som forfatteren sier:

Mine refleksjoner har utviklet sig til historier.
I boken har forfatteren George Manus reflektert over stort og smått og også det lidt uventede.
Ikke mindre end 55 refleksjoner er det blitt til, hvor noen handler om moralske emner som AMBISJONER og AVHENGIGHET til den fornøyelige OSKARS KONFIRMASJONS-TALE.

Tomrommene i boken er spekket med George Manus sine egne “ordspråk”.

Noen av refleksjonene er egen-opplevde historier og hendelser, mens George Manus i andre fokuserer på almene emner.

De små historier gjengis i alfabetisk rekkefølge, og kan derfor leses individuelt.

ISBN (NO) : 9788771884142

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Reflections III

– in words and fantasy images

A reflection is an afterthought.

While things are happening, we only think about the here and now. It´s only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT. The author George Manus has through all his life reflected over large and small. This have already resulted in two books in this genre, the first, “REFLECTIONS I – in words and pictures”, and the second, “REFLECTIONS II – in words and proverbs”.

This third book got the title “REFLECTIONS III – in words and fantasy images”, as many of the reflections/stories are related to fantasy. The images are supplied by the Danish architect and visual artist Jan Arnts pictorial series FANTASIES. The book contains no less than 52 reflections /stories, where the author among others treats subjects like LIGHT and SHADOWS, WITH MY BACK AGAINST THE WALL and FEELING OF GUILT… Yes, even a TYPEWRITER is taken with loving care.

All are reflections /stories which can only make you wiser.

Happy reading.

Revised 2nd edition published in 2018

ISBN (UK) : 9788743000747

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

Refleksjoner III

En refleksjon er en ettertanke. Mens tingene skjer når vi kun å tenke i nuet. Det er først etterpå at vi får tid og mulighet til å tenke etter, analysere og overveie, nemlig å REFLEKTERE.

Forfatteren George Manus har gjennom hele livet reflektert over stort og smått, hvilket allerede har resultert i to bøker i denne sjanger, hvor den første heter “REFLEKSJONER I – i ord og ordspråk”, og den anden “REFLEKSJONER II – i ord og bilder”.

Den tredje boken har fått tittelen “REFLEKSJONER III – i tekst og Fantasibilde”, da flere av refleksjonene historiene kretser rundt fantasi, og suppleres av den danske arkitekten og billedkunstneren Jan Arnts billedserie FANTASIER. Dette er tegninger av dyr og skapninger som hverken er fugl eller fisk, men nettopp den rene fantasi.

Boken er en lett blanding av George Manus sine refleksjoner og hans egen-opplevde historier.

Boken inneholder ikke mindre enn 52 refleksjoner/ historier, hvor forfatteren blant annet behandler emner som LYS og SKYGGE, MED RYGGEN MOT VEGGEN, og SKYLDFØLELSE…

Ja selv en SKRIVEMASKIN taes under kjærlig omtanke. Alle er refleksjoner/ historier som man kun kan bli klokere av.

God leselyst.

ISBN (NO) : 9788743000563

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– and dashes

THOUGHTS provided the author with inspiration to write his book series REFLECTIONS I, II and III.

At first glance a thought and a reflection fit hand in glove, but according to George Manus, his thoughts are written in a more targeted fashion and over a short period of time, whereas he in his books REFLECTIONS writes over a much longer period, sometimes lasting years.

The book THOUGHTS was thus written in only 51 days, during which the author sat down at his computer every morning, with just one idea in mind, to get the thought written down, edited and corrected.

He also reaches far and wide, writing about China, the building activities taking place in Spain, a Ford Fiesta and the snow in Norway. We thus understand very well that he after 51 days felt that enough was enough and proudly declared that that was that, had a glass of red wine and went for a long walk through the magnificent landscape surrounding him.
After this, the 51 thoughts lay in a drawer for several years …

But the thoughts wanted OUT.

Then one day he sent the manuscript to his good friend, Ole Praud, and asked him if he could take charge of the practical side of things, like the layout, digitization and printing of the book.

The manuscript was also sent to the cartoonist, Morten Løfberg, asking if he could make a vignette for each of the stories and to the architect and artist, Jan Arnt, asking if he could supplement the book’s thoughts with some suitable and colourful dashes.

Thus the title of the book ’’THOUGHTS and Dashes’’.

The book can be recommended to everyone who likes wise and entertaining thoughts and dashes, where both the right and the left side of the brain become engaged.

ISBN (UK) : 9788771884081

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.


– og tankestreker

Boken “Tanker” er skrevet på kun 51 dager, hvor forfatteren målrettet har satt seg ved computeren hver morgen med kun en tanke i hodet, og få tanken nedskrevet, bearbeidet og renskrevet. Han når da også vidt omkring, og det skrives både om Kina, byggeaktivitet i Spania, en Ford Fiesta og om snøen i Norge.

Man forstår derfor godt, at han efter 51 dager følte at det var nok, og stolt erklærte at det var det, drakk et glass rødvin og gikk en lang tur i den storslåtte naturen.

ISBN (NO) : 9788771884098

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70 år i Kommunikasjon

om Max Manus firmaene

Med boken 70 ÅR I KOMMUNIKASJON er det mitt ønske å gi leseren et innblikk i hvordan jeg, som annen generasjon i familiebedriften Max Manus, i mitt 77nde år, ser tilbake på utviklingen fra 1946 til 2016.

I hele mitt yrkesaktive liv fra 1958 var jeg engasjert i firmaene under Max Manus paraplyen, og daglig ansvarlig fra 1967 og frem til rundt 2005, hvoretter stafettpinnen gikk over til tredje generasjon. Det var en spennende reise med store utfordringer, men også svært lærerik og med mange tilfredsstillelser. Ikke en eneste arbeidsdag var kjedelig.Tankene om å skrive boken kom som et resultat av at det i 2016 er 70 år siden min stefar Max Manus startet i kontormaskinbransjen.

Boken gir, utover det firmahistoriske, et bilde av utfordringene jeg møtte. Ikke minst takket være lederen av Max Manus Forskning AS, Bjørn Andersens kreativitet til å utnytte datidens nye teknologi innen våre produktområder, får man et seriøst inntrykk av våre banebrytende utviklinger i perioden fra 1960 årene og frem til de første årene av 2000. Resultatet av utviklingen lå ofte mange år foran våre konkurrenter.

George Manus

høsten 2016

ISBN (NO) : 9788771887730

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Innovations & Creations

– inventions from 2003 to 2014

This all started in the beginning of 2000. I had partly retired from our family business with headquarters in Oslo, already in good hands of my daughter and son in law, and had moved to Spain to start my active retirement life with my Swiss wife Marianne, whom I married in 1998. My main hobby became inventions and creations, mainly related to Golf. I took it as my first challenge to construct the most compact collapsible Golf Trolley ever seen.

As a consequence of working with the above mentioned challenge, thoughts about reinventing the wheel was quite logical, as many golfers prefer to use an electric trolley. As I am a keen golfer myself, I constantly had in mind how one could improve one’s game by means of training aids. I first concentrated on a well-known challenge that most of us amateur golfer are facing, namely to keep the head and eyes behind the golf ball at impact. Not to confuse the reader too much, it is certainly difficult enough to understand a lot of the contents in the book, I decided to split between the various groups of developments leading to what in the end became “Golf Trolleys”, “MACWheel”, “The Short Game Coach”, “Golf Putters” and “Other Training Aids for Golf”.

Along the way I have made some simple documentation and taken photos of some of the models I made, mainly to prove the feasibility of the ideas and as background for the patent office to make drawings and to get an understanding of the various principles. I make excuses for my poor photographical skills. I have, in this book, tried to give an extract of what I have been through in my inventive world as a pensioner, so far, by presenting some of the material, following the sequence of the time when the ideas were tested.

Very little can give me more pleasure than the challenge and excitement forming part of creating something that one think no one else has done, as for example to reinvent the wheel. Who can be so stupid as to try that?

The South of Spain, Autumn 2014

George Manus

ISBN (UK) : 9788743001751

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

Words for the Road

– 114 Proverbs 

The Author George Manus has, in several of his books put in Proverbs written by himself. In advance of publishing this collection of 114 of them, he had no thoughts about them representing a mixture of Poetry, Folded hands, Aphorisms and Proverbs. In other words not only Proverbs.

This book therefore, which presents them in both English and Norwegian, he named WORDS FOR THE ROAD, as his earlier ones have been published in both languages.

ISBN : 9788743028840

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Words for the Road II

– 117 short reflections and puns

The Author George Manus released his first “WORDS FOR THE ROAD” in the spring of 2018.

This one he has dedicated to the “Inspiration”, which, according to him, is because two thirds of the content is written in just a few weeks – something he thinks he could thank a wave of inspiration for.

He simply calls the book “WORDS FOR THE ROAD II” with subtitle: 117 short reflections and puns, and present them like the first one in both English and Norwegian.

Could it be a coincidence that this book contains 117 short reflections, and the first one 114?

The Authors lucky numbers are 14 and 17.

ISBN: 9788743028857

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.

Words for the Road III

– 121 short reflections and puns

The author George Manus released his first “WORDS FOR THE ROAD” in May 2018. The second saw daylight in December, and this, the third, came in Mars 2019. With this short interval between the release-dates in mind, he dedicated it to “The Time”.

He simply calls the book WORDS FOR THE ROAD III with subtitle: 121 short reflections and puns, and presents them like the two first ones in both English and Norwegian.
It´s not a coincidence that the first contained 114, the second 117, and this one 121 short reflections and puns.

Three of the authors lucky numbers are 14, 17 and 21.

ISBN: 9788743009368

* This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

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Words for the Road IV

– 107 short reflections and puns

This is the fourth “WORDS FOR THE ROAD” that the author George Manus publishes, all within the last year. This one is presented, as the other three, both in English and Norwegian and has been given the subtitle: 107 short reflections and puns.

In total the books contain 459 short stories and puns, divided by 114 in the first, 117 in the second, 121 in the third and 107 in this one.

7, 14, 17 and 21 are the author lucky numbers. As all his lucky numbers now has been used, only time will tell whether this will be his last “WORDS FOR THE ROAD”.

ISBN: 9788743010920

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

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Words for the Road V

– 141 short reflections and puns

This “Words for the Road V”, the fifth in the series, I have dedicated to the”Continuation” and given the subtitle: 141 short reflections and puns. With these 141, the total have now reached 600.

As I see it, there is always a continuation. It does not have to be a continuation of the same, and in this case it is a continuation of the first four books with the same name.
When the last of the four was released, most of the content of the fifth was already put on paper.

Related to the continuation I wrote a brief reflection in 1994, which is reproduced from page 18. It is about continuation, but in a completely different context. Most of the content in the book was first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be overbearing about the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian.

As in the previous four “Words for the Road”, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it.

ISBN: 9788743012191

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.


Words for the Road VI

– 100 short reflections and puns

This WORDS FOR THE ROAD VI, the sixth in a row, I have dedicated to ‘Opinions’ and given the subtitle: 100 short reflections and puns. With these the total is now 700. All words for the road are expressions of my spontaneous opinions and thoughts when they were put on paper. Some of them the reader will find obvious while others could have been formed differently or not be included at all. But, from time to time it is hopefully some of them that stick out and give an afterthought. If so, my purpose for them is achieved.

The reflection ‘Opinions’ which I wrote in 2014, is taken from the book REFLECTIONS II and reproduced from page 14. Most of the content of this book is first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be indulgent in the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian.

As in the previous five WORDS FOR THE ROAD, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it. If you should get the feeling that youve heard some of them before, I can assure you it has never been my intention to plagiarize.

ISBN: 978-8743013280

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.


Words for the Road VII

– 100 short reflections and puns

This WORDS FOR THE ROAD VII, the seventh in a row, is dedicated to “Opinions” and given the same subtitle as the others: 100 short reflections and puns. All my words for the road, which now have reached 800, are expressions of my spontaneous opinions and thoughts when they were put on paper.

Some of them the reader will find obvious while others could have been shaped differently or not be included at all. But, in between there may be some one will take notice off and some that give an afterthought. If so, my purpose for them is achieved. The reflection “The sub-goal”, written in 1995, which is copied from the book REFLECTIONS I is about golf but is, in my opinion, just as valid when it comes to writing.

The expression: “It is not the goal that counts but the process” also applies here. It is reproduced from page 14. As in the previous WORDS FOR THE ROAD, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it. If you should get the feeling that you’ve heard some of them before, I can assure you it has never been my intention to plagiarise.

  • ISBN-10 : 8743016006
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8743016007

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

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Words for the Road VIII

– 100 short reflections and puns

This WORDS FOR THE ROAD VIII, the eighth in a row, I have dedicated to “Does it really matter”? and like the others given the subtitle: 100 short reflections and puns. The so far 900 words for the road are expressions of spontaneous opinions and thoughts when they were put on paper.

Some of them the reader will find obvious while others could have been shaped differently or not be included at all. But, in between there may be some one will take notice off and some that give an afterthought. If so, my purpose for them is achieved. The reflection “Does it really matter?”, written in 1994, which is copied from the book REFLECTIONS I, is about the written word. Hardly anyone in my class was worse than me when it came to Norwegian spelling. One thing is to write grammatically correct, something else is to write so that the wished-for meaning becomes clear.

Read the reflection “Does it really matter”? from page14. As in the previous WORDS FOR THE ROAD, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it. If you get the feeling you’ve heard some of them before, I can assure you it has never been my intention to plagiarise.

  • ISBN-10 : 8743012302
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8743012306

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.


Words for the Road IX

– 100 short reflections and puns

With this “WORDS FOR THE ROAD IX”, the ninth in the series since the first was published in 2018, I have left behind 1000 “Short reflections and puns” in both English and Norwegian. I have dedicated the book to “The Will” which I see as an important ingredient in reaching a goal. In the reflection “The Will”, which you can read from page 14, I write: “If one is to reach a goal one has set for oneself, of whatever character, the will must be there.

It’s not at all so that if only the will is there one automatically reaches all goals one has set for oneself. The will is only one of the ingredients needed to do so, but Maybe the one that at the end of the day is the condition needed to put one’s thoughts and meanings forward”. Most of the content in the book was first written in Norwegian and then translated into English, so I ask the reader to be overbearing about the English presentation, which often does not get quite the same rhythm and meaning as the Norwegian.

As in the previous eight “WORDS FOR THE ROAD”, the table of contents is presented in alphabetical order in both English and Norwegian. In the book the English comes first, with the corresponding Norwegian next to it. If you feel that you have heard any of them before, I guarantee that it has never been my intention to plagiarise.

  • ISBN-10 : 8743028403
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8743028406

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.


Words for the Road X

– 100 short reflections and puns

Author George Manus has with this tenth book in the series WORDS FOR THE ROAD, left behind 1001 “Short reflections and puns”.
Contrary to the other nine books, each containing 100, this one has 101, to indicate, he says, that it has to be a limit, at least as per today. Furthermore he says it has been a hectic but exiting journey over the last couple of years in addition to his other writings.
As curiosity, in his opinion, is the driving force for progress, he has dedicated the book to “Curiosity”.

Forfatter George Manus har med denne tiende boken i serien WORDS FOR THE ROAD, lagt bak seg 1001 “Korte refleksjoner og ordspill”.
I motsetning til de andre ni bøkene, som hver inneholder 100, har denne 101, for å indikere, sier han, at det må være en grense, i hvert fall i denne omgang. Han sier videre at det har vært en hektisk og spennende reise de siste par årene i tillegg til hans andre skriverier.
Ettersom nysgjerrighet, etter hans mening, er drivkraften for fremgang, har han dedikert boken til “Nysgjerrigheten”.

Happy reading – God leselyst

  • ISBN-10 : 8743028403
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8743028406

*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.


A Woman’s Many Migrations

– La Paloma, a Woman in my life 

The book is about a woman who, in the period 1981 to 1995, moves her residence not less than 36 times. Is it an obsession, asks George Manus in the book, and is even in doubt, even though he has been in close contact with the woman for all 14 years. The author describes each move from house to cottage, to apartment, back to cottage, mess and whirl, and then to a new house in an infinite range, so you get exhausted.

Is it a kind of hobby asking George Manus?

ISBN: 9788771884111


*This book can also be ordered from all good booksellers using the ISBN number – or you can simply google the ISBN number to find it.

En Kvinnes mange flyttinger

Boken handler om en kvinne, som i perioden fra 1981 til 1995 flytter bopel ikke mindre end 36 ganger. Er det en besettelse, spør George Manus i boken, og er selv i tvil, og det selv om han har hatt et tett samvær med kvinnen i alle 14 år.

Forfatteren beskriver hver enkel flytting fra hus, til hytte, til leilighet, tilbake til hytte, rot og virvar, og så til nytt fint hus i en uendelig rekke, så man blir helt utslitt.
Er det en slags hobby spør George Manus?

Kanskje, svarer han

ISBN: 9788771883411

*Boken vil kunne skaffes av alle bokhandlere med henvisning til det internasjonale ISBN nummeret, eller man kan google ISBN nummeret.





George Manus Publications

The first time I gathered some of my reflections and stories, it resulted in the book Reflections, which was printed in a small friend edition in 2013. It deals with reflections I wrote in the period 1987 to 1997. Then followed in quick succession Thoughts and Event -The first 51 days in 2001 – A Woman’s Many Migrations and Reflection & Stories. All first printed in Norwegian and then translated into English.

It was never in my mind to try for publishing through publishers, as I through others in my family had understood that it was a long and winding road to go and one which very rarely resulted in releases.

For me, having passed seventy-five at that time, it was never a matter of becoming an author, but to get something about myself and my life, in one way or other, registered for those of my followers who one day may be interested in who this person really was. Particularly as for reasons, not of will, those in my family I per today have never met.

I have now, on paper, been retired since 2006, and have lived in Spain more or less permanently since then. As a hobby beside writing, I have been occupying myself with practical creations and innovations related to golf, so the days have been more than filled with activities like golfing with my wife Marianne from Switzerland whom I married in 1989 and otherwise plenty of daily activities.

My contact with a former sales manager and friend, Ole Praud, in Max Manus Denmark, a subsidiary of our Norwegian Company with the same name, have enabled me to put my manuscript’s on to paper and get them printed. I have kept contact with Ole since he left the Company in 1996 after many years of activity, He had, and has, after my opinion the right attitude and knowledge, not the least in the modern technology of data, to help me through all practical obstacles turning manuscript’s into books.

The mentioned books which were printed in a small friend edition in 2013 -15 were, as you understand, not done through a publisher, but directly through a printer.

Living in Denmark and being the one he is, Ole, contacted the people and organized the hundreds of illustrations, both in black and white and colours, which according to me give an extra flavour to the books. The names of the illustrators are in the order they entered: Morten Løfberg – Jan Arnt – Julia Bøge and Laura Hamborg.

One day in 2016 when I was on Skype with Ole, he mentioned that he had heard about a Danish publisher called Books on Demand, BoD.dk which operated in a somewhat new manner, at least to my knowledge. Providing they get your manuscript served according to their specification, they will print it in any volume, and have it distributed to channels according to their setup. To me the most important is that they get an ISBN number.

Distribution is made through the net and apart from hard copies, most of my books are also published as E-books.

As per today, January 2021, twenty books have been published through BoD.dk, whereof a series of ten WORD FOR THE ROAD, each book in both English and Norwegian. The rest, apart from the book about the Max Manus Companies, which hopefully will also be printed in English, are all in both Norwegian and English apart from Innovations and Creations which is only published in English.

One can ask why, on this homepage, my writings are mixed with my other hobbies.

One reason is that my colourful book INNOVATIONS and CREATIONS from 2014, may give you an interesting view of how a pensioner could spend thousands of hours focusing on creating golf related products which he thought was innovative, without having any serious plans of turning them into commercial products. Not because many of them could not, but that would, for capacity reasons, have taken my focus away from the creation as my aim was not to build up a new business, but to see what I could do in the basement, mostly using a jig-saw, some files, and other hand-tools from a carpenter’s toolbox.

The page About Max Manus Innovation will specifically give you some more details about my innovations and creations.

George Manus

December 2020